Casa de Colores: Legacy of an organization for migrant groups

Ruta Norte: Identidad Fronteriza had the privilege of capturing the brave and heartbreaking stories shared by our migrant sisters belonging to a group of transgender girls, part of the LGBTQ+ community, who live in the shelter. ‘Casa de Colores’ located in the downtown area of our city.

'Casa de Colores' is home to more than 40 migrant women from Central America, mostly from El Salvador, who have made an intense journey full of selfless sacrifices and motivated by the imperative need to flee persecution and discrimination in their country. 

It is here where Ciudad Juarez becomes the destination to undertake in order to achieve the long-awaited American dream of crossing into the United States.

In their stories they transmit all the changing emotions and situations they have gone through, sharing with us their entire journey and making us feel part of it.

Agradecemos inmensamente a Susan, Alexa, Fernanda, Sasha y Cassandra, mujeres migrantes trans integrantes del albergue ‘Casa de Colores’ quienes compartieron sus valientes historias con nuestra producción de Ruta Norte: Identidad Fronteriza, y actualmente están cumpliendo el sueño que han estado persiguiendo desde hace más de 1 año, lograr cruzar a Estados Unidos en busca de mejores oportunidades.

En esta nota realizada por El Diario de Juárez podrás conocer más a detalle como este gran grupo de migrantes lograron resolver su situación migratoria en Estados Unidos:ón-especial-EU-El-Diario

Soon you will be able to learn more about these touching stories in the documentary Ruta Norte: Identidad Fronteriza. The best is yet to come!